The International Society for Citrus Huanglongbing and Liberibacter Pathosystems (IS-CHLP)

IS-CHLP is a non-profit association in the field of citrus Huanglongbing (also called citrus greening) and other Liberibacter pathosystems. We connect, sponsor, organize events related to Liberibacter pathosystems and provide platforms for interactions and information exchanges for relevant stakeholders including the scientific community, growers, industries, and government agencies.

IS-CHLP is a non-profit association in the field of citrus Huanglongbing (also called citrus greening) and other Liberibacter pathosystems. We connect, sponsor, organize events related to Liberibacter pathosystems and provide platforms for interactions and information exchanges for relevant stakeholders including the scientific community, growers, industries, and government agencies.


Scientific Advisory Board


Steven E. Lindow

Professor, University of California, Berkeley, Member of National Academy of Sciences, USA


Xiuxin Deng, Professor and President, Huazhong Agricultural University, Member of National Academy of Engineering, China

Sheng Yang He, Professor, Michigan State University, Member of National Academy of Sciences, USA

Youliang Peng, Professor, China Agricultural University, President of Chinese Society for Plant Pathology, China

Burton H Singer, Professor, University of Florida, Member of National Academy of Sciences, USA

Balian Zhong, Professor, Gannan Normal University, China

Changyong Zhou, Professor and Vice President, Southwest University, China

Founding members and/or Organization Committee/Board of Directors for IS-CHLP

Nian Wang, University of Florida, USA

Gitta L Coaker, University of California, Davis, USA

Wenbo Ma, University of California, Riverside, USA

Kirsten Stelinski, University of Florida, USA

Marcos Antonio Machado, Centro de Citricultura Sylvio Moreira, Instituto Agronoˆmico, Brazil

Jaime Cubero, Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, Spain

Leonardo De La Fuente, Auburn University, USA

Xiaoling Deng, South China Agricultural University, China

Xuefeng Wang, South West University, China

Zhanjun Lu, Gannan Normal University, China (Sectary)

ISCHLP organizes the following activities:

Congress once every two years

One online newsletter on Liberibacter pathosystems

One journal (to be launched later)

Others to be determined